Guide To A Healthy Post-Baby Body: Effective Ways To Lose Pregnancy Weight
So, no matter where you’re at… whether you’re just starting and have 100 lbs to lose… or your trying to get rid of that last bit of belly fat… or anywhere in between… The LadyBoss Lifestyle is the new system you need to go from where you are now to where you want to be!
Kaelin Tuell Poulin
One of the things that many expectant mothers worry about is gaining too much weight. It's important not to gain too much weight during this time, but you can expect to put a few pounds on the scale.
The most important thing during pregnancy is for a female to stay healthy and to have a healthy baby. However, it’s ideal for women to be well aware and be prepared to lose pregnancy weight after birth.
While many of us wish we could magically lose all those extra pregnancy pounds the moment the baby finally arrives, the fact is no one — not even celebs! — snaps right back to her pre-baby body so quickly.
#1. Exercise Regularly
Once you have the baby, you will be in better shape to exercise more. This is an effective way to help you lose weight faster than if you simply avoid doing so. Getting and staying moving is crucial to your health and to your weight loss efforts at this time.
Try to walk, jog or do some form of strength and/or cardio training for at least 30-45 minutes a few times a week if possible and on a regular basis. This can help you shed those pregnancy pounds quickly and will certainly help you get back to the size you were before you got pregnant.
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#2. Eat Superfoods
Rather than starving yourself and trying to consume fewer calories, it’s best to eat a lot of superfoods. These are ones that are low in calories, yet high in nutritional value. It’s important to know which ones are best for you and these are listed below:
Why should you eat superfoods? Obviously, it is for the amazing health benefits that they offer. These foods are rich in nutrients and work wonders in keeping your mind and body healthy.
But this is not all. Once you start consuming superfoods regularly, you will start noticing the difference in not just how you feel, but also how you look. You will find the comprehensive superfood list here...
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#3. Drink Water
Drinking the right amount of water every day is important to keep you well hydrated and help reduce your appetite. It's ideal to drink at least eight glasses a day to get the most benefits and help your health.
The benefits of drinking water include flushing toxins out of your body, which is essential for achieving your weight loss goals. Also, make sure you have a glass of water before each meal to help reduce your appetite, which is what you need to lose your pregnancy weight.
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The Bottom Line
For some women, the joy of finally having a warm and cuddly newborn can be mixed with feelings about the changes in their own bodies. The key to losing pounds after you've had your baby is to make a commitment.
You need to have a plan and the desire to lose the pregnancy weight. If you follow the tips above, you will be most successful in getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
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Women should be able to lose their extra weight by six months after they give birth, Lovelady said. Not all the experts agreed that all the weight had to come off within six months. However, 12 months seems to be the upper limit for how long it should take for women to lose all of their pregnancy weight.
You're not eating enough—or choosing the wrong foods. Your metabolism isn't necessarily the same as it was pre-baby, and not eating slows it down. This can lead to not losing baby weight and even extra weight gain down the road. If you are not eating enough food, your body will store fat.
Most women lose half of their baby weight by 6 weeks after childbirth (postpartum). The rest most often comes off over the next several months. A healthy diet with daily exercise will help you shed the pounds. Breastfeeding can also help with postpartum weight loss.
It's important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any exercise programme after giving birth. Typically, women who have had an uncomplicated vaginal birth can start gentle exercises such as walking and pelvic floor exercises within a few days of giving birth. However, those who have had a caesarean section or complications may take longer, often around 6 to 8 weeks, before doing more strenuous exercises.
Effective dietary changes include focusing on whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, lean proteins and whole grains. It's important to avoid crash diets, especially if you're breastfeeding. Instead, aim for gradual weight loss with a balanced diet that provides enough nutrients for you and your baby. Staying hydrated and eating smaller, more frequent meals can also help manage hunger and boost your metabolism.
For new mothers, physical activity should be gentle and gradually increased in intensity. Start with walking, pelvic floor exercises and stretching. As you gain strength and your body recovers, you can gradually introduce low-impact aerobic exercise, light weight training and postnatal yoga or Pilates. Always listen to your body and avoid overexertion.
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